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Kunstraum in Oerlikon
Whoever visits an Offspace in Zurich
The Ausstellungsraum «Sentiment» is a specialty of the Konzeptkunst and will enable young artists and artists to experience the first Einzelausstellung in Zurich.
You have names like «2 Boys Broken Hearts», «Unanimous Consent», «Die Diele», «Toxi». It is not a commercial enterprise in Zurich with uninteresting interests and Schwerpunkten. It was a matter of time: you are camping in a city with high temperatures, one of the best places to realize – and only, which is no longer on the Platz in the large Galerie of the Zürcher Rämistrasse.
A person is a «Sentiment», an art, the Olga Generalova and Philémon Otth lived for four years in an ehemaligen Geschäftslokal in Zurich Oerlikon haben.
«The time of the pandemic has affected open spaces in Zurich», reads Generalova in conversation. “Without personal involvement of art in the physical Raum, part of the community will have a chance.”
The definition is that offspaces are the most difficult to attack. It was often the case that the information about the works of painters was informed, but the rules for art relations were as good as it could be. Sechs Ausstellungen von zeitgenössische Kunst in Jahr finden im «Sentiment»-Ausstellungsraum statt – der Fokus liegt auf junior, nicht etablierten Positionen.
Eröffnungen von «Sentiment» kommen trotzdem ässig bis 100 Leute en das unscheinbare Geschäftslokal in der Murwiesenstrasse unweit der Tramstation Tierspital. The «sentiment» is, where other Offspaces are a Zwischennutzung, and one of the best ways to run the Baugespanne ready.
They want to experience the first solo show in Zurich with the «Sentiment» Schweizer Künstlerinnen and Künstlern and bring an international position to Zurich, erzählen Generalova and Otth. Generalova was in Wurzeln in Weissrussland and was in Zurich in 2015. So if you come from Lausanne from Otth, an artistic image emerges. She started when she ended up at the Gallery of the Workers – another for the American Gallery Gagosian. “I have noticed that my Geschäftliche mehr lies als die Produktionsseite”, so Generalova.
Who is there, in Zurich, unconfirmed Ausstellungen zu machen? “It is not the case that the Möglichkeit, the financing of the search – but if it is not agreed, Räume zu found,” says Otth. If both were missing, there is a report on art. «There is no active magazine in Zurich with Ausstellungsbesprechungen en nur ganz wenige Autoren», so Generalova.
Who sees the «Sentiment» of the other Offspaces in the city? «Sentiment» is a new working group and the Entwicklung of Künstlern soil. “There is a performance artist at the host family, the plötzlich in the architectural development is and a new captain and a novice career has begun,” said Generalova. For the production requirements it is possible to apply a production budget and an art fee. «Dafür erwarten wir aber auch neue Arbeiten», so Generalova.
Aktuell läuft in «Sentiment» een Einzelausstellung des Fribourger Künstlers Alfatih. There own power comes from the Bereich Video Art and Animation, the best way to be kinetic: two of the engines, on the other side of the road, Schaukel plays a role in making an E-guitar. One of the Eröffnung gibt is Mulled Wine and more other Künstler and Künstlerinnen are among the Besuchern. Unter der Woche ist der Raum jedoch nur auf Anfrage geöffnet, so zum Beispiel, als een class der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste auf Besuch vorbeikommt.
View the representation of the «Sentiment» as the genre of the konzeptkunst: a richtung, bei des Form und Materiel der Verbeiten wird an aesthetic representation of the idea or concept that is very. “Unser Raum focuses in a natural way on an erasing art of art, van der wir Thought, that sie nicht wirklich in Zürich repräsentiert war,” said Otth.
You can realize the organization of the Ausstellungen in «Sentiment», as well as other projects. Generalova has appointed Ausstellungen and Otth as part of an art collection. Zuletzt has visited both Zeit in Italy and the last year of the Biennale in Venice.
The «sentiment» is one of the most important starting points – a von der Stiftung Pro Helvetia – vermittelt aber auch Verkäufe der ausgestellten Kunstwerke, which will also be present in Australia and after the June Art Fair, a Satellitenmesse während der Art Basel, teil. “Wir glauben, that international heritage for our artistic talent is fully appreciated,” said Generalova.
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